安书成 |
职称/职务:教授 |
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主要从事生理学与神经生物学教学和研究工作。主讲人体解剖生理学、动物生理学、脑科学概论、神经生物学等课程。多次获得陕西师范大学教学质量优秀奖和优秀教学成果奖,并获陕西省普通高校优秀教学成果三等奖和一等奖各一次。1993年获得首届曾宪梓教育基金优秀教师奖。主持和参与教育部教改及教育研究项目3项。主编和参编国家级规划教材2部。主持教育部国家理科人才培养基地名牌课程(动物生理学)建设项目。科学研究工作主要从事动物胃肠活动的神经调节及情绪行为的神经生理学研究。曾主持和参加国家级和省部级科研项目7项,在动物学报、生理学报、心理学报、中国应用生理学杂志、NeuroReport、Neuroscience Letter、Brain Reaserch Bulletin、Neural Regeneration Research、Neurosci Bull等国内外学术刊物上发表论文60余篇。
1.Hippocampal NMDA receptor is involved in chronic stress induced depressive-like behaviors via SP-NK1 receptor pathway.Acta Psychologica Sinica [心理学报], 2011,43(9):1045-1054
2.Activation of hippocampal D1 dopamine receptor inhibits glutamate-mediated depression induced by chronic unpredictable mild stress in rats, Acta Physiologica Sinica [生理学报],2011,63(4):333-341
3.Rat orbital frontal(orbital frontal cortex,OFC) GABA B receptor mechanisms in stress and depression, Zoological Res. 2011,32(3):329-336
4.Preventive effect of estrogen on depression-like behavior induced by chronic restraint stress. Neurosci Bull.2010,26(2):140-146
5.Involvement of hippocampal NMDA receptor and neuropeptide Y in depressioninduced by chronic unpredictable mild stress. Acta Physiologica Sinica [生理学报], 2010, 62(1):14-22.
6.Antidepressant effect of hippocampal neuropeptide Y is mediated via decreased expression of nitric oxide synthase. Acta Physiologica Sinica [生理学报], 2010, 62(3):237-246.
7.Orbitofrontal cortex action of 5-hydroxytryptamine and its receptor in an acute forced swimming stress-induced depression model. Neural Regeneration Research. 2009, 4(7):530-535
8.Involvement of hippocampal NMDA receptor and nitric oxide synthase in depression induced by chronic unpredicted mild stress. Zoological Research[动物学研究].2009,30(6):653-661.
9.The association of hippocampal glutamate with depression and the effects on gastric mobility. Chin J Appl physiol.[中国应用生理学杂志],2009,25(2):196-201.
10.Prevention of chronic stress-induced depression-like behavior by inducible nitric oxide inhibitor.Neuroscience Letter,2008,433:59-64
11.Role of BDNF and nNOS in stress-induced depression. Neural Regeneration Research,2008.3(4):384-389
12.Involvement of hippocampal serotonin and neuropeptide Y in depression induced by chronic unpredicted mild stress. Brain Reaserch Bulletin,2008,77(1):8-12
13.Understanding of physiological neural firing patterns through dynamical bifurcation machineries. NeuroReport,2006,17(10):995-999
14.Distribution of nitric oxide synthase and vasoactive intestinal peptide in the gastrointestine of mandarin vole Microtus mandarinus under different energy demands. Acta Zoologica Sinica [动物学报],2005,51(5):830-839.
15.Relationship betweendigestive tract morphology and energy demands in the mandarin vole(Mirotus mandarinus). Acta Zoologica Sinica [动物学报],2003,49(1):32-39.